WebSphere MQ V7.0 Features and Enhancements

This publication is divided in three parts:

Part 1, "Introduction" commences with an introduction to Message Oriented Middleware and the WebSphere MQ product. The concept of messaging is covered, explaining what is new in WebSphere MQ V7.0 and how it is implemented. An overview is provided on how it fits within the Service-oriented architecture (SOA) framework.

Part 2, "WebSphere MQ V7.0 enhancements and changes" explains the new WebSphere MQ V7.0 features and enhancements in detail and includes compatibility and the migration considerations from the previous supported versions.

Part 3, "Scenario" contains the scenario which demonstrates how the new features and enhancements work and how to use them. The sample programs and scripts used for this scenario are available for download by following the instructions in Appendix B.

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